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T.V.R\'s basics are wrong .. SO what ??
by adarsh on Oct 22, 2005 12:41 AM   Permalink

When u are given a opportunity to criticize we all shout at the top of our voices..its human nature i guess..even i have done this .i see so many people commenting on T.V.R 's mistake abt addressing gowda as JDU president instead of JDS. that doesnt change the person , does it...he is still the same old gowda whom we have seen on national newspapers' frontpages taking naps in important meetings during his regime as prime minister of INDIA..I dont know how wrong gowda is or how wrong his politics is ,its true someone in this board said that no gowda or krishna can do much in the progress of a city like hurts to see that bangalore has still not earned the reputation of a city that levels mumbai or delhi in all point may not be relevant to the main agenda going on here , but i feel for a government to change , firstly we need to change.we need to change our routine of breaking laws, offering bribes, neglecting rules.for i have a strong feeling that to uphold bangalore in high esteem , a revolution is needed , and revolution is agitated by one simple doing , " a change ". hope we change...yep ,i too feel like i had been holding the mic all this time.

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