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Right to Information Act - A Mockery.
by Dr. Tirath Garg on Oct 20, 2005 04:27 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The much touted RTI Act is another chapter in political hypocracy of India like the similar or even more touted Lok Ayukta and Lok Pal Acts We are seeing for the last so many decades the drama of Lok Aukta and Lok Pals being played with the nation and net result of bringing transparency and accountabilty to the system is zero. Worse will the plight of RTI The begining itself exposes the hollowness of system. It is everybody's knowledge that bureaucratic red tapism is the cause of all ills and ironically from bottom to top public information officers and commissioners have been appointed post haste from among them only So what do you expect?
This Act will create a new queer empowered class among the journalists who will increase their black mailing power to extort money from public and piblic servants and ultimately the burden of corruption will increase on common man
If the powers that be are genuinely concerned then they should withdraw henceforth this politically motivated drama and reconstitute the system of right to information in a meaningful manner, it should be clear to them that this drama is not going to fetch even a single vote for them so come out of dirty politics.

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  RE:Right to Information Act - A Mockery.
by nitin chaturvedi on Oct 24, 2005 12:32 AM   Permalink
i disagree wid dr.tirath.this is an act in which a common man can get any information in public domain n checks r ther viz.information commission n u can even go to highcourt if ther z denial of information.this act also led to phasing out of official secrets act also

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