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lack of aid for earthquake victims
by Reynel Jude Castelino on Oct 20, 2005 07:11 PM   Permalink

It has been observed that the earthqauke that has struck south asia has received a lesser amount of coverage and far lesser aid. An answer could be that it effected Pakistan more than any India.Also most Indians would be rejoicing at the fact that over 3000 millitants died in the quake. People all around the world have a negative image of Pakistan in their minds and this could also affect aid giving.Compare that to the disasters in India where people around the world went out of their way to help.Imagine the amount of aid that India would receive if it requested for it.

Sadly for Kashmir it could have received much more help if it's people considered themselves Indian and not harboured separatist feelings or a pro Pakistan attitude.It's a fact that indian people do not feel a connection towards Kashmiri people because the Kashmiris want to get as much as they can from India but still complain about India.

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LoC: Pak to make formal request