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Re: maniappan's death
by suresh samson on Nov 23, 2005 09:34 PM   Permalink

Hi there
Me and all my friends in UK are terrfied to hear that Maniappan was killed,eventhough we dont know much about him.
First our deepest condolences to his family member who would be in a state of shock.
Is the Indian government going to do anything,apart from expressing their condolonces.probably not,probably yes.cos they should make sure these sort of barbaric act doesnt happen again.
Only when things like this happen to an Indian we all start to realise the gravity of the situation.Anyway I think ,we as Indians should give these animals sorry the taliban,! a sound and solid warning.
Anyway whatever is going to happen ,we all Indians are here united ,to stand against these cruel acts.
Our deepest condolonces to the family again
God be with them.
For those who think I am a very emotional person, this is not the voice of a person who knows maniappan or the voice of a fellow keralite.THIS IS THE VOICE OF AN INDIAN.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Maniappan''s body found: Police