Kindly recollect the spate of abductions: Rubaiyya Sayyed in J&K,three truck drivers in Iraq and the much-hyped Sarabjeet Singh in Pakistan.
In all these cases(Sarabjeet Singh's fate still unknown),the govt.,& the media stood solidly behind their families & eventually got them released unharmed.With due concern for their safety, their should be a blanket application of the rule for everyone.
Ms. Rubaiyya Sayyed's case was obvious for she had "heavy-weight" political backing; the three drivers were working for R C I Coolex,a Kuwait-based company, which nevertheless dragged the Govt. of India.The irony is when a Govt. of India Border Roads Organization employee Raman Kutty Maniappan was abducted, no efforts were made either by the Govt. or the media for his release. Is it because his families' voice from a remote village in Kerala could not be heard in the corridors of CENTRE?