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PM lacks own identity: Modi
by gm on May 27, 2005 10:48 PM   Permalink

I don't know a person like Modi (who is responsible for thousnad killings in Gujrat as a CM)is trying to say with his statement, here are some thoughts--

1. Dr. Manmohan Singh is PM due to his contribution to the country as a honest, dedicated Economist,reserve bank governor,vice chairman planning commission, Finance Minister etc. etc although he belongs to minority community he was selected for the position of PM not elected

2.We have seen popular leaders in the past who were very popupar but they were corrupt and inefficient.

3.You go to any developed country, you will find leader like Dr. Manmohan Singh who are delivering results though they are not very popular.

4.Popular among today's politician means CORRUPT and CHALOOOO

5. Dev Gauda delivered very good though he was not very popular, Dr. Manmohan Singh is not a leader of corrupt politicians but he has a place in the hearts of masses like Dr.A.Kalam our hounerable president.

A small person like Modi is not even suppose to talk about Dr. Singh.THANKS

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PM lacks own identity: Modi