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The most hypogritical nation on this planet called The Earth.
by chanakya on Mar 22, 2005 11:15 AM   Permalink

Having double and perhaps triple standards.


If we focus the same criteria that the Americans are wrongly applying to Narendra, on the cabinet of the Neanderthaal occupying the Oval, the members of his entire cabinet, including the Neanderthaal himself, would disqualify for a visa to visit Bharat Varsh.

It is high time Bharat Varsh considers this belittling act as a provocation.

Earlier what they did to George, then our Defence Minister, was equally provocative.

It is not an instigation of declaring a war against the ugly Americans.

Bharat Varsh should commence treating the condies and fondies in the same manner that they treated Narendra and start applying those American criteria to the American statesmen and stateswomen visiting Bharat Varsh.

They the Americans did not go to Iraq to garland the and kiss the Iraqis !!!

They made extremely gross violations of the human rights there amongst the global protests including strong protest from Kofi.

Why should Bharat Varsh send Natwar to IG international airport at Delhi to receive and welcome condies and fondies and other rawdies whose criminal feet should in fact never touch the sacred land of Bharat Varsh

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US clarifies on visa denial