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wrong point of view
by ashish sinha on Mar 22, 2005 06:58 AM   Permalink

I have some comments on the points raised by author. First of all in all the previous cases he cited, the person in office acted in a responsible manner. Never did it seem that they used the state machinery to harm the victims of riots.

In the case of narendra modi, he openly suppressed the minorities. "Everyaction has an equal and opposite reaction","I am a hindu first and chiefminister second". Is this the kind of statements expected form a person who is under oath of the indian constitution to equally protect the rights of peple of his state. Alright if he is a hindu first. Then he shud immediately resign from his post and jump with a trishul on the road. Why to misuse your office to meet your ignoble whims and fancies.

This is the point that separates all the other cases from the case of Narendra Modi. And unfortunately no body in India dared to come out gaianst him or prosecute him or punish him. Now if US does it , its only a blessing in disguise to the many who have sufferred coz of him and to the many who could only wish if modi would ever realize what he has done.

We should be ashamed , not because US did it, but because the Indians couldnt do it.


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