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similar logic is used everywhere by fundoo sympathisers...
by Pmukh on Mar 22, 2005 08:54 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The writer assumes that the so called secularist brigade cajoled and coaxed the US government into taking this decision - and then proceeds to fight them without proving his first premise...

Well, you find similar tactics used by all fundoo sympathisers.
It may be useful if he could rather focus on the biggest threat to India right now - that of fundamentalist chauvinism rather than crying hoarse over the "hurt pride" of India.

The US may have taken this decision for a lot of reasons - one of which may be to assuage the muslims world over that it is against fundamentalists and not Muslims.

However, dissecting that instead of focussing on getting criminals like Modi prosecuted is a case of lopsided priorities...

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