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US action against Modi
by Vijaya Kumar on Mar 21, 2005 08:31 PM   Permalink

After Iraq, I even changed my party after the actions of the neo cons in USA. Even now I think Bush is a good man. The main reason they denied visa to Modi is as follows.

1.Most Muslims (in fact all Muslims) hate this administration.

2.In order to improve their image as kind hearted democratic fellows, they fund Pakistan heavily.

3. They were always elected by destroying some one elses character, reputation and life for

4. Modi provides a great opportunity to win the Muslim hearts, projecting themselves as honorable just individuals.

If burning of Christians occurred in NY train, no Muslim would have survived in USA even if all the police force of the country comes to stop it. The letter of the Congress man to Secretary of state seeking denial of visa to Modi, shows absolute ignorance of some of the members of this administration, regarding the facts of Gujarat. Where is this out pouring of love for Kashmiri Hindus? Did Modi prevent Missionaries from conversions? What does conversion mean? leave all your beautiful philosophies and literature and resort to brain washing one self with illogical religious slogans? Vijaya Kumar

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?