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Raman's Prejudiced Views
by Dr.Thomas on Mar 23, 2005 09:13 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Dear Sir,
After reading the entire article by Mr.Raman on highlighting the Christian conspiracy behind the denial of the US visa to Mr.Modi, I believe, he had been hired by the RSS themselves. He is trying to parallel the action of Modi during the Gujarat riots with the action taken by the successive congress governments and their leaders. I am wondering why he left out Mahatma Gandhi and could have made him too same along with Modi.
Modi isn't a leader of a state, but of a small fraction of a community and it has been proved clearly through his past actions. Even if it is the Christian lobby trying to stop the visa to Modi, I don't see it as an insult but rather it is sending the strong message that business and relegion does not go hand in hand as Modi thinks. If the so called Christian states has not stopped Shri Ravishankar, Amritanandamayi and the others who spread Hinduism in the west through 'art of living', 'yoga' etc., I think the secular India should think in the Western sense the same.
Hope Mr.Raman got the message.

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Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?