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Pseudo Indians are to blame
by Krishna on Mar 21, 2005 09:41 PM   Permalink

Great article! Congress and Communists are determined to keep the Muslims segregated in India so that they can get their votes. They do not want to let the Muslims join the national mainstream fearing it would dilute their vote bank. Their vote bank politics has ruined India. They persistently hound Modi to keep the wounds from healing so that they can get the votes from those hurt and angry Muslims. Yet these anti-Hindu secularists NEVER hound Modi for not protecting the Hindu pilgrims massacred by Muslims in Godra. In the US a lot of fake Indians, led by Muslims and Christians, have lobbied against Modi. In fact, these same people also lobbied in the past against the BJP led NDA government simply because the BJP was NOT willing to divide people along religious lines. These fake Indians have only one goal anything to destroy the Hindus and disintegrate India. For now they have taken the help of US to attack India and in the future they will not hesitate to take the help of Pakistan to attack India. These people should be charged with treason and arrested upon entering India.

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