Thanks for the fact-based article which throws a lot of light on actions by so-called great politicians of the past. So Mr.Modi is not the first one in taking incorrect decisions.
Also agree with ur opinion that we Indians display a submissive attitude towards US, ignoring all their wrong-doings & supporting their actions like sychophants. We need to be like the Chinese. They maybe smaller than the US, but they do control the US firmly by which they earn their respect. The Chinese have their own problems with human rights violations. But has the US got the guts to deny visa or anything to any chinese political official? No. Thats because the US cannot take China for granted. But for India.. they know we are too weak kneed to behave firm with them.
Want to be firm with US? Throw out Coke and Pepsi. Those acidic drinks which are hell bent on replacing water. US food industry has screwed its own people and now trying on rest of the world
Do not know if Mr.Modi has erred or not.God only knows apart from him. As you mentioned, I too am not a follower of Mr.Modi. But behavior of the US against an Indian like this is certainly wrong & we shud oppose it.