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Modis Visa Denial
by cama jehangir on Aug 30, 2008 12:15 PM   Permalink

Mr Raman Thank you for putting things in their correct perspective We have lived all our lives in Ahmedabad and barring a few years of reasonable peace we have never experienced a single 12 month period when we have not had some communal problems - actually according to a Times Of India report the first communal riot in Ahmedabad happened some time in the year 1819 or so This does not justify anything and two wrongs may not make one right but going through the records one would find that the number of Hindu dead over all these years is far far higher and why does everyone conviniently forget the event that triggered off the Ahmedabad riots Let aside the gross human rights violations of and by the US where were all these so called secularists when a systematic ethnic cleansing of Hindus was taking place in Kashmir? I have never heard asingle word said by them about that Even today I am sure they would be ready to blame the Hindus in Jammu more than they would the muslims in Kashmir The denial of a visa to Modi cannot be justified on any grounds at all other than that we live in a unipolar world and that Muslims and Christians total upto almost half the world population and the Christian church is very powerful today in the US and weilds considerable influence even in India Indian history is replete with examples of Indians who have sold out their own country and countrymen for the lure of lucre or of perceived glory as in the present case by these psuedo secularists

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Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?