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Modi's Visa Denail - who did it
by Purush on Mar 22, 2005 11:53 AM   Permalink

Extremely difficult to say who did it(US aside). One is inclined to believe however that was not have posible without tacit support from Cong (I). Though it is difficult to categorically state that.

Now for some facts. On denail of VISA while the govt. went into protest mode their sincerity is in doubt. The reason being that all big leaders of UPA remained silent spectators to the so called hurting of Indian pride by US. One would further state that all these leaders were very vocal in the aftermath of Gujarat though.

Going further, a minister from the current govt (Mr Vagehla) is on record stating that US did it right. What a contradiction (he is a sitting Minister and his stance is contrary to stated stance of the govt.) And further surprise is that he is not even questioned on it leave aside publicly reprimanded.

Now the final one. Cong (I) spokesman Mr Anand Sharma makes a statement criticising US for VISA denial but could not refrain from stating that Cong has reservations about Mr Modi (It betrays the tongue in cheek kind of thing by Cong).

Firends, those of you who always wondered how Britishers could divide and rule us this is the example.

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Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?