I endorse every word of it.God alone can save this country where personal hatredness overtakes national pride.This will not happen anywhere in the world.Who has curbed the religious freedom of minorities in this country including gujarath? Infact they enjoy better freedom than anywhereelse in the world including USA.When mob is on riot it is very difficult to control.Why so many sikhs were killed in USA after 9/11?Should we stop giving visa to donald rumesfeld,? for the massacre of so many innocent iraqis by the us force should we deny visa to bush himself?What can we do in a country where so called secularists hail supreme court if any decision they give against majority community or orrganisation .They call for preidential reference&donot hesitate to condemn the SC in the parliament if itis favouring hindus.Time is not faroff when the majority turn minority &at that pointall their even basic rights &freedom is curbed to the applause of the so called secularists .