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Half-baked views. Ignore this article
by Tony on Mar 22, 2005 03:26 PM   Permalink

I have never heard that there is something called Christian fundamentalist organizations in the US. There is no such organization at all. The author of this article has invented a new reason for why Modi was not given visa, and thus proved his ignorance. Since the author of this article is a Fundamentalist, he thinks everyone else in this world is fundamentalist. Not only the US, any country has right to issue or reject visa to anyone based on some reason or no reason at all. Please dont publish half-baked views of fundamentalist like B.Raman and spoil the name this site. Mr.B.Raman, please don't spread hatred, and please start doing some constructive work.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?