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Forgive and forget, the mantra?
by Indian on Mar 24, 2005 01:49 AM   Permalink

Three years after the violence, no one has been brought to justice. India condemns US visa decision, BBC.

Where Justice is yet to be delivered, the aforesaid mantra can be an epitome to injustice. Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral. The medicine to be applied for this wound is through the judicial system. Activism towards its fulfillment should not be seen as unnecessary scratching, but necessary reminding for the medicines required. Reminding that the people behind the carnage are still at large and justice awaits them. Let a persons day begin with every mention of injustices around the world for people to be aware. 'Forgive and forget it yaar,' comes after deliverance of such justice, abstracts to rehabilitate the minds thirsty for vengeance. Until then, seek to remind ourselves

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Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?