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All I know Mr. Raman....
by Diwakar on Mar 23, 2005 04:31 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

Is that Sept 11th saw a death toll of about 3000. What was the backlash toll? Hmmmm... Let me see ... It was 3 or 2 I think. Godhra saw a toll of 70. And the back lash was around 2000. If your beloved (how much ever you say you are not his fan!) Modi could have definitely done better. If the police was so in-effective, he could have called in the army. As for the secularists of India, they are so because of bigots like Modi, who think they are doing a great service to their country and relegion. Everything said and done, It is US's sovereign right to deny visas. Let us also keep our right intact by not ranting!

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Modi''s visa denial: Who did it?