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mla or rowdy sheeter
by jm francis on Jan 25, 2005 12:17 PM   Permalink

With reference to the below message, I would like to know what type ofan MLA was Mr.Ravi? I probably think that he was known for his rowdyism rather than participating in welfare of the people of his district or state.

All the people know that he was a factionist (former naxalite) and with the help of democratic government and its policies, he is escaping from the hands of the LAW AND POLICE. He is not at all fit to sit in the assembly (many politicians are like that).

The bandh kept on his name is ridiculous and not at all recomendable. Mr.Naidu had done a grave mistake by calling for a bandh and distrupting the normal life of the citizens for a former naxalite & factionist.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
''Andhra CM behind MLA''s killing''