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Nepal: Help, not sermons
by Shyam on Feb 10, 2005 02:16 AM   Permalink

Excellent analysis. The congress has surrendered national good to be in power not onlyin Andhra Preadesh but also in many other states. The biggest loss for the democratic and pro-development party in Andhra has dictated the national leadership that India will have to sustain for 5 years. A peep into the state of affairs in Andhra is an indicator for people all over India to open their eyes and put national intrests above caste and religion. While a wily China increases its influence and a nasty Pakistan and Ungrate Bangladesh eat at Indian ethos, the might of India will be lost to silly and frivulous unethical and greedy egos of the Congress(I) polity. Need I add Communists!

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Nepal: Help, not sermons