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National Interest.
by G Srinivas on Feb 10, 2005 10:41 AM   Permalink

I am completely for the views expressed in this article. Look at the various sections Nepali society in India - they too express somewhat the same feelings. What is most important is to ensure that the naxalites/maoists dont hamper our growth, prosparity and democracy. The attitude we have now will lead to either maoists getting the advatagious position or one/more of other countries vying for a share. Both are not to our benifit. Moreover, the so called democratic government is non-existant in Nepal as elections are long long overdue. Now, at least one single chair - the king's - is responsible for whatever actions follow. We need to make sure that we convince him first, and then assist him to swiftly remove the maoist menance. This way we can ensure 1 more friend for us, and eventually clamp down on the menance in our nation. No advancement is possible when groups like these are nibbling away at our roots, ie democracy.

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