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terrorist have no religion
by abdul aziz on Jul 08, 2008 09:17 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Cowardly act by some bad people , spoil the name of (Islam means peace) these people are not muslims to do bad act, we cannot say terrorists muslims, Islam like peace not terror
, very sorry to hear about the death of innocents, Praying with Allaha for victims of this attack,

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  RE:terrorist have no religion
by raj on Jul 16, 2008 04:25 PM   Permalink
true. if only moderates could be heard. its always a cacophony of hardliners, all over the world. and the hardliners seem to be winning.

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  RE:terrorist have no religion
by Ajit Birdi on Jul 16, 2008 08:26 PM   Permalink
It is not the general public.
Just walk into any Islamic institute and you will hear the mullahs teaching hatred and nothing else.
Yong innocent children who go to these institutes be it a school or masjid they go there to learn about Islam, but are pumped with wrong kind of information.
fortunately most just stop going there once there education in other subject get heavy and demanding.
But few do become terrorist through none of their own doing but the teaching they get and are brain washed by the Mullahs.
99% of these people are law abiding citizens.
I live in a area in London where Indians Of all religion and of course Muslims and Pakistanis live.
this are is classed as the most stable and harmonious and tolerant to other religion cast color and creeled in whole of Europe.
Never had any kind of Indo-Pakistan or religious based trouble here.
Oner can walk the street in peace at any time of day or night.

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