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King of bollywood?
by secretof on Dec 01, 2007 08:04 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

First things first, I am not a fan of SRK and I am neither very against him. But today I realised why he is king of bollywood. I want to ask this question to all the people who have watched this movie (OSO)? I know srk fans will says what a mind blowing peformance and movie and the ones which are neutral towards srk will say - the movie is ok can watch it once. Not surprising, people who hate srk will say pathetic and overacting from SRK. This is quite obvious...but what is the truth here? If I ask all srk lovers to keep aside their love towards srk and then tell me then I KNOW THEY THEMSELVE WILL AGREE THAT IT IS A PIECE OF SHIT AND HE HAS DONE A LOT OF OVERACTING. But then why the buzz is different? It is just because srk fans are huge ...they outnumber srk buzz becomes this is rocking movie. The one who r neutral towards srk will now say it is time pass movie as the buzz is towards SRK. Had this movie was directed and acted by someone else I am sure Mr. Taran Adarsh wud have rated as worst movie of bollywood. Am I right mr. Adarsh? The point which I want to bring here is the star value of srk. His presence is so impeccable that it will make feel people living in hell as if they r in heaven. He can bring so much moolah to everyone that no one dares to question anything related to him. He can turns things as if he is magician and OSO success is a classic example of this. So many records were broken but my dear SRK I really like you in Chake de not in oso.

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  RE:King of bollywood?
by anoop nair on Dec 26, 2007 12:49 PM   Permalink
u knw y the oso is a super hit,b'coz srk was the producer and he acted 4 free nd tell me who r the other stars in the film.this movie was a big piece of shit,no offences meant

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  RE:King of bollywood?
by Sunita Shetti on Dec 31, 2007 04:04 PM   Permalink
yes i do agree its just nothing but rubish thing.., and who were other stars.., forgot.. bet comic cameo by akshaykumarr n abhi baby.., those things make u lough,, n none of the scences by srk .., its dotaly over dramatic,,, over praised.., n hope it was biggets flop of the year.. but media had sone so much marketing.., n he him self.., and whay a hype of six pack abs,... bull shit.., saif ali khan had better body than him in slam namaste..,faraha kahan..., plz do some good movie.. in future.. ur hubbys movie janemann was far better than oso..and jusy bcouse u had sharukh.., u knew for some reasons people would watch .. so only so much of promotion.., remove those two scences..cameo.. n that song title song of 31 stars.., only credit on srk.. keeping only him n other starcate.. no guest appearences.. where would the movie stand.., no where..., i know all of sudden srk grew intrest in cricket.. goes to watch 20-20 finals.., to support india..? no its only promotion of his movie.. through all means..and got such huge success.. which oso never desrved...
i hope people are more sensible.., to watch more sensible movies..,

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