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wedding of ash and abhishek
by GANESHBHAGVATHISWARA IYER on Apr 21, 2007 11:41 AM   Permalink | Hide replies

It is indeed distressing to note that Tv channels are wasting their whole time in this marriage. In our country where even today 60 % people live on one sqare meal , this sort of propanda is unwaranted.People waste their time in this foolish work. We should find out ways and means to help those people who live in villages and tribal areas . We boost of 10 % growth when our 60 % population live under poverty line. Better Media open your eyes

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  RE:wedding of ash and abhishek
by Vijaya K on Apr 21, 2007 12:04 PM   Permalink
The poor man gets his share of entertainment from films n the contribution of Ash n abhi in this can't be over-emphasised. The joy that the common man gets in such events will probably be lost on cynical souls who fail to provide joy n can't even appreciate it when others r doing it.This is the typical feudal behaviour of the Scotch-fivestar elite who shed tears for the POOR gulping down expensive cuisines n drinks in cosy well-appointed premises n don't even participate in voting.

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