i am an educated guy, but I find it very difficult to understand this review. i think more than the film, the review is very tough to go through. I think Raja Sen should know that not all people who read reviews have done their Phd's in English. Hope he takes in this advise.
RE:dont understand
by Jahan Bakshi on Mar 28, 2008 06:26 PM Permalink
Anyone who knows english can read this review and understand it. The reviewer cannot be expected to not write in his fluid natural style because your English is weak. No offence dear, but there are many reviews available in Hindi too- you could read them, or brush up your english. This is as simple as the language gets.
RE:RE:dont understand
by TolMolKeBol on Mar 28, 2008 06:43 PM Permalink
I did not find anything wrong or hifi in the language. I suppose you should dust off your school books and revise it again.