I love to read these reviews, but I do not seem to understand why people tend to indulge in 'Raja Sen' bashing, everytime he writes a review. Honestly, he is a film critic, and he gives his thoughts on a movie. If you have your own thoughts, please pen them down rather than showing this holier than thou attitude. Raja, keep up the good work.
RE:Raja Sen's review
by manikantan k on Apr 02, 2008 04:29 PM Permalink
Friend, we don't want to bash up Raja Sen as he is entitled to his opinion worth 2 rupees. But the way he revealed the ending of Race is just not professionally correct and so we just want to make him understand that these strongly worded blogs are just a trailer and he may see the full movie (Dishum-Dishum) if he continues in the same way. By the way, for the first time in many seasons, his review was bang on....123 is a pathetic movie.