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Like the film the DVD set is also great
by arnab bhattacharya on Jul 25, 2008 10:26 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

The DVD of Taare zameen Par is out and as usual Aamir Khan surprises with this dvd pack also. The very first thing you will observe is the unusual look(rather the length) of the DVD pack(the size is slight bigger than A4 paper and whole case looks like a big Box of sweets).Then As you open the case it surprises you with three layers folded into one and each of them contains a dvd (there are 2 dvds and 1 acd inside).Each dvd has been placed in its location in such a manner that the picture at the surface of the dvd merges with the background picture giving a perfect 2-D effect.
Along with this there are the two paintings drawn by Ishaan Awasthi and Nikumb Sir respectively in the Art "mela" competition (each of the picture are that of A4 size) . To add to this there is also the famous flip book of Ishaan and Ishaan's slam book where he scribbled and poured his feelings on each of the character's he met in his journey till the Art "mela".
The DVD also surprises you with the deleted scenes and Aamir Khan giving the inside out of each of the scenes and why they were eventually deleted. There is also making of the film and its music and other special features like a Discussion panel on Children's upbringing etc.
The audio cd consist of the whole background score with great sound effects and at the end obviously the whole film is there with high quality dvd picture and Dolby surround sound.
The price of this great collection's edition also surprises you with an affordable amount

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  RE:Like the film the DVD set is also great
by Narendra on Jul 26, 2008 01:26 PM   Permalink
Are y sure that the DVD got just Dolby Surrround? No Dolby Digital!! Come on, in which world are you living bhayya?

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  RE:Like the film the DVD set is also great
by Narendra on Jul 26, 2008 01:24 PM   Permalink
It's nice to hear from you that "The price of this great collection's edition also surprises you with an affordable amount"

Now a small request. Please get me a DVD too, since you think Rs. 500/- is no great deal.

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Now, catch Taare Zameen Par in DVD