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Dutt may not be able to afford more!
by Srinivas Kasinathan on Jan 11, 2008 03:34 PM   Permalink

Gifting Nano to Manya will cost 1 lac plus to Dutt which is more than he can afford once he goes to jail. Have we or has he forgotten that he has been sentenced and he is out on bail? He has been convicted and therefore, he is a convicted felon. Rediff, of course, has gone crazy with writeups like these. Can we expect more writeups on criminals Rediff? It seems we Indians too have no shame left whatsoever. Otherwise, how can we tolerate reading about such characters and see his movies? Sanjay Dutt is a convicted felon on a charge of treason against state! Treason! Hope my message gets across.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Sanjay Dutt to gift Nano to girlfriend