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Dutt Knows Money Value..!!
by redhand on Jan 11, 2008 05:19 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

That's the reason he opted 1 lakh car instead 4 crore car.
Jail has teached him what the life n the value for it seems..!!

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  RE:Dutt Knows Money Value..!!
by God on Jan 11, 2008 09:49 PM   Permalink
well, hun... its not the jail teaching him a lesson... its common sense... he'll change the GF in 6 months.. that would be just nothing.. Just over 1 lac for the "pleasure" he got... 4 crores for the same thing would have been a waste... he..he..

Now his GF would be really mad at TATA motors.. Infact so many GFs in this country will be mad!! he..he.. Now, the sentences like -
"My GFs b'day is coming, I am going to gift her a car"

"My Son passed his 12th exams, I am goin to buy him a car"

etc will not be attracting any attention... :-p

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Sanjay Dutt to gift Nano to girlfriend