I don't know why people waste money on making such movies. I request the producers of this pathetic movie to send us money so that we can enjoy. Ruchi is really to the point in narrating this movie story. Infact I feel she has been quite liberal in doing so. If I would have been the critic for this movie, I would nto have even bothered to write a review for this childish and stupid movie, even if it would have been the only release this week. I just can;t understand why people can't shut up and save their money instead of wasting it like this. Most idiotic performance by people like anupam and rati. Limits of people doing desparate things to get money by working in such pathetic movies.
RE:Worst Film in recent times
by Adwel Advertising on Feb 02, 2008 05:05 PM Permalink
then why did you spend your money by watching this kind of movie ? :-)