Bips looking worst and like very old women, omg, she is managing with makeup in bollywood, over all this pic too ugly and she is looking like sick Patient
RE:Bips looking worst and like very old women
by Manoj Shreyan on Apr 24, 2008 03:30 PM Permalink
Anything.. when USED too often looks rugged and old and so is Bips!!!
RE:Bips looking worst and like very old women
by Indian on Apr 24, 2008 03:37 PM Permalink
Right...perfect example is charm and no content in this pic other than toooo old and toooo sick and alll dropped looks
RE:Bips looking worst and like very old women
by Vibhakar Kelkar on Apr 24, 2008 04:15 PM Permalink
Agreed she is not looking fresh but do she deserves all the comments put up here? Show some humanity.