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viewers have right
by Amit Verma on Nov 12, 2007 04:47 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

I have seen SLB defending his film over one news channel, and rubishing all the critics remarks about the film, me not being a critic would like to comment about the film.

1. Mr. Bhansali you film is one of the most boaring movie I have seen ever.
2. You have spopiled my time as I decided to watch your movie during my precious festival time.
3. You have not given the true picture of you movie in your ptromos, this will cost you more than any thing in times to come.
4. Last but not the least don't try to cheat more number of people anymore and accept that you have done great mistake by making Swariya, and make an appeal to people to not watch your movie anymore.

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  RE:viewers have right
by Hit on Nov 13, 2007 03:09 PM   Permalink
Dude, ease up will ya!!! its an entertainment business, not a PhD thesus that you need to be so critical!!!
everyone has different taste, i believe that a lot of people appreciated Saawariya... You can't write in this manner to a man who only thought he was doing something good and right!
I do understand viewers have a right to comment. U have a right to dislike, but to put someone down to this extent, is a wee bit unfair.....

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  RE:viewers have right
by nalinikanth d on Nov 13, 2007 04:12 AM   Permalink
It's your mistake that you chose to see a GOOD MOVIE during an hectic festival time. Dont blame the director or the movie coz some things are beyond your understanding.

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The above message is part of the Discussion Board:
Review: The Saawariya Fiasco