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Supporting The Movie
by krishna kadam on Apr 02, 2007 03:44 PM   Permalink

The movie, THE NAMESAKE is an extraordinary experience captured by Mira Nair through Laharis Novel. The movie itself does not seem to be a fiction or a peice of creativity but it works out to be a real life story showing incredible happiness to some and sorrows to others. firstly the couple Ashoke and Ashima have a extraordinary american experience which bonds them immortally in a silent way right through the end of the movie, secondly the movie is a facinating journey of their children specially Gogol who grows up to love an american woman, marries a english/french/bengali lady and finally is in a pursuit to find happiness for himself. though i believe the movie wont be a commercial success in india as it is not a action/glamorous/comedy flick like like many other countless creations, but it will definetly find audience who like to embark on a story which is refreshing,mature,and afacinating experience, especially audience who are asians but have migrated or living in other country in pursiut of happiness. I am not a British Indian yet but i cherished the experience which Mira Nair has shownthrough her creativity.Krishna Kadam

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We should support Namesake