RE:Confused ???
by Sameer Bhagwat on Jun 28, 2007 11:37 AM Permalink
But sir, they too are human beings. They too have the right to worship God. Don't they? Just because she showed some skin doesn't mean she's bad or evil.Correct me if I am wrong sir.
RE:Confused ???
by puneet srivastava on Jun 28, 2007 11:38 AM Permalink
welll Mr.Vishal hw can u say lik tat dey r not d normal public n who u r to intrpt ny1 to visit ny place....evn u make ur night sexy with dere sexy item no. dnt u.....shariiif baannaaa chahte ho
RE:Confused ???
by rajwinder singh on Jun 28, 2007 12:08 PM Permalink
Well, i see every one ihas a point. We cannot avoid the people to enterring into such places ,but at the same time encouragement is also not accepted. These people do it for money and can go to any extent for the same and then blame the audience....Crime increases as we exposes(Provocation)ourselves as its human tendanies.Recently in England too, Crime done on account of Provocation is not subject to harshed punsihment. These person should be made to understand that this is not the right way to come out of public....
RE:RE:Confused ???
by Gaurav on Jun 29, 2007 02:52 PM Permalink
Rajwinder Singh, everybody has the right to visit religious places. Simply because she is a star, you cannot say like that. Everybody needs solace and interaction with the God. Everything is not for money. They are also human beings like us.
RE:RE:Confused ???
by praveenshashi pareek on Jun 28, 2007 12:34 PM Permalink
neha understand it is vishal's biological urge of mating with such a "biologically fertile and good gene-pool bearing" (which is called 'sexy' in slang) woman like neha that is motivating him to make these comments. and the same urge is making to derogate his comments coz you are visualizing urself in his place and biologically, like all females, u want a committed male rather than philandering one like him trying to distribute his genes everywhere. its jus plain biology..nothin else.