you must be a fan - otherwise any self-respecting person would have seen this for what it is. Her lawyer and publicists are there to protect her image, and she is not to blame at all? so does her lawyer choose her movies for her in case they flop, or change her kids nappies in case it leaks? This is not uncommon in Hollwood. The lawyer takes the blame for everything stupid the star does. Angelina Jolie is a stone's throw from Paris Hilton in that respect. Sure, you can say, she does charity all the time and isn't she so wonderful to adopt a million kids and give them a bath and a roof? But she thinks she is better than everyone else simply for this reason. She lords it over people that she is NOBLE and GOOD and ADOPTS. Well, people have been adopting before her and will adopt after her. All with much less publicity and much less self horn tooting. She walks around thinking the press need her so badly because she is so famous and so they have to be comprimised so she can grace their newspapers with her "lovely" presence. The press made her for what she is, and the press can take her down too. You don't need to sign that contract, and you shouldn't believe her Lawyer trying to blame himself- much like Paris Hilton's did for her DUI and for her driving without a license. Insert Eye Roll Here. That is the dumbest thing- and takes both media and public to be a bunch of idiots. Angelina was very much aware of what she was doing by giving out that contract - and not aware of the ir