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this is bullshit
by on Jun 28, 2007 04:01 AM   Permalink

i think Jolie is great, her work, her passion; its great someone from hollywood can look beyond the glitz and glamour and see real issues facing ordinary people in extrodinary circumstance. HOWEVER, i could not understand the reporters facination with Jolie at the press conference, he acted more like a fan than a journalist (should i even call him that?). And what about Irrfan Khan? one of the most talented actor in Bollywood, why couldn't he write about him and his role in a big budget hollywood movie? when actors like Shetty and A. Rai are dying to break into US movies you have a legit actor who has done that w/talent, not looks, and he barely gets mentioned in the article. What is wrong w/you man!

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Chasing Angelina Jolie