But your account throws light on how good Indians are at oggling. Maybe that's the reason why you were made to sit out? There is an outside chance. From what I have seen and noticed during my years abroad, Indians and Pakis have made an art form of oggling at women. I blame it on our filmi culture with so many suggestive scenes, item numbers and what not! For whites it's straight to the point (you know) in their movies. No other people derive so much pleasure in oggling at fems like subcontinent guys do. Female friends of mine have told me how uncomfortable they feel when guys keep staring at them.
So rather than telling such stories to your grand children, try to educate them against the practice!
PS: This is my view on the art of oggling and staring, rediff-mates are welcome to challenge it.
RE:Oggling Angelina Jolie
by paroma chakravarty on Jun 19, 2007 07:23 PM Permalink
I agree completely with you SK. The dirty stares and ogles which we indian girls have to face every day from home to work and the moment we step otuside speaks volumes of the two faced nature of the great indian culture...
RE:Oggling Angelina Jolie
by samyrah on Jun 20, 2007 10:14 AM Permalink
sameer ur so disgusting.. i read many of ur posts previously,though u had a different point of view u never used such filthy languange. Were u pretending to be a decent guy????or did frustration take over you??