by AJAY RAM on Jun 12, 2007 11:15 PM Permalink
He's the Emperor of Indian Music.
by dreamweaver on Jun 13, 2007 04:55 AM Permalink
I have heard about rahman but not quite as much as I have heard so much about Hirak Raul..he is sooo famous!
by sujit narayan on Jun 13, 2007 06:54 PM Permalink
hahaha.. lol... hirak raul is the guy who cleans the toilets in and around illinois.. evn i ve heard of him, in fact i think i ve seen him also :)
by swaminathan vasudevan on Jun 14, 2007 10:07 AM Permalink
check with your wife and take a close at your son or daughter and probably u can recongnize how rahman looks..:-)
by Vishwanath CB on Jul 03, 2007 02:14 PM Permalink
Man "nathan devan", by the tenor of ur sentence, i can certainly say how ur off-spring looks!!!!!!!!!!