RE:shahrukh is zero star
by Author on Aug 08, 2007 04:30 PM Permalink
He has series of flops from last couple of years, thats why he has paid these yash and johar banner to make chak de india. He has nothing to do with hockey or any other sports, just trying to make a comeback, which unfortunately(fortunate for us) will not work.
RE:shahrukh is zero star
by Singhaniaz on Aug 08, 2007 06:03 PM Permalink
Neha n Author,
Get ur facts in place b4 writing in such comments, and Neha U say Abhishek a gr8 actor, if he removes his sur name, let me know how many producers and directors would sign him. He's purely surviving because of his Farmer Dad. For me he looks no less than a road romeo. And r u nuts 2 compare Akshay 2 SRK?? And finally hrithik apart from D2 tell me 1 hit movie of his outside his dad's banner. D fact is there's no 1 like SRK. He came with no filmi back ground, no demi gods in d industry and simply has ruled bollywood for the last 18 yrs. What ever he has achieved, done is very much on his own and with out any influence. And he's very much responsible for putting Indian cinema on a global platform.
I travel to US, UK, parts of Europe very regularly on work and was totally amazed and surprised to see d kind of craze, madness people have got for SRK. It was not just Indians but also the locals here. And I say this with out an iota of doubt that no Indian actor in d history of Indian cinema has got or received this kind of a fan following as SRK has received n will continue to receive.
And mind you, m not a big fan of his but like him for what ever he has achieved on his very own. He's no doubt an inspiration to millions.
RE:shahrukh is zero star
by Arijit Chatterjee on Aug 09, 2007 02:26 AM Permalink
This girl neha must have tried doing koochi koo with SRK and got rejected left and right....thus comes her frunstrations!!!
BTW - SRK is the only one in Bollywood, who has the guts to be friends with girls without getting in bed. Evryone has reputations - right from bigB to todays Amir.