Sharukh is just an insect in front Sivaji Rajnikant. He shud take some acting lessons and learn how to behave politely from Rajnikant. Rajni is superstar of Asia
RE:Sivaji Rajnikant is Great
by umesh sahore on Aug 08, 2007 03:03 PM Permalink
Rajnikant is having image only in his are but SRK is elephant in front of Rajnikant. I think you have misguided by some rajnikant fans.
RE:Sivaji Rajnikant is Great
by abdul wahab on Aug 08, 2007 03:08 PM Permalink
shahrukh is an over actor while rajni lives with his mimics..both of them are not the best actors...
ajay devgan and aamir khan are better than shahrukh kamal hassan and vikram are better than rajni kanth KAKHAGA you'll become a source of despise if you talk ridiculous things like acting lessons from rajnikanth...rajnikanth could teach gimmicks in the future if he wants to..
RE:Sivaji Rajnikant is Great
by raju on Aug 08, 2007 03:11 PM Permalink
if ajay devgan was a better actor he should have been the biggest star of india. he is far from being that and hardly known abroad.
RE:Sivaji Rajnikant is Great
by abdul wahab on Aug 08, 2007 03:32 PM Permalink
its not that way..the biggest stars not neccessarily need not the greatest actors..coz those who appease the common man most becomes stars...for appeasing lay man one needn't have acting powers only gimmicks like stammering and shaky dialogues in the case os shahrukh khan and throwing cigarrates in air firing it by a pistol as in the case of rajani. kamalhassan nor ajay devgan did these kind of silly things which is entertaining to the illiterates and people who are dumbfound. I wont include u in this category raju...
RE:Sivaji Rajnikant is Great
by raju on Aug 08, 2007 04:18 PM Permalink
if greatest actors cannot become biggest stars then credit must be given to the biggest stars for holding their appeal to their audience in whatever way. rajni is superstar in tamil nadu, srk is superstar in india and among indian community abroad. they cannot become superstars just like that. if it was the case, ajay devgan would be a superstar today. u r trying to look at the world with one-eyed view.
RE:Sivaji Rajnikant is Great
by raju on Aug 08, 2007 02:58 PM Permalink
acting lessons from rajnican't. joke of the last 100000000 yrs and the next 100000000 yrs.
RE:Sivaji Rajnikant is Great
by The Great on Aug 08, 2007 03:07 PM Permalink
Who the hell is talkng abt rajni ssaaarr!! ther is no wonder u r a fan of him!!
RE:Sivaji Rajnikant is Great
by T a s i n on Aug 08, 2007 03:14 PM Permalink
Wat do u actually want... we want us to hurl abuses on Rajani coz of ur stooopid mischief.. we wont do.. But go n ask ur Rajani Uncle how he used to act in remake after remakes of Big Bs movie during 80s-90s... n acting class from Rajni... plz spare us... Kamal for that matter is 20 times better actor than Rajani uncle.. And if Rajani Uncle's movies are bigger hit than Kamal's or anybody else' then it speaks volumes about grey cells in head of ppl like u..