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This happens only in india -illeteraTe Rediff
by anirban bandyopadhyay on Aug 08, 2007 01:36 PM   Permalink | Hide replies

Tell me the name of ten scientists moving the scientific path of India?

How these news editors get job in Rediff?

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  RE:RE:This happens only in india -illeteraTe Rediff
by siddharth datta on Aug 08, 2007 02:16 PM   Permalink
See dude don make it look like you r an angel reincarnation n only are interested in ppl involved in india's scientific growth.. get a grip and a bit of sense. a scientist is doin his bit and so are the actors, engineers,wage labourers, farmers.. n so on so forth. talking about celebrities, being awed by them or wanting to know more about them does not hinder a country "scientific" progress. else US would have been a third world nation. n let the scientists be.. they are busy in some important projects, they don want too many eyes on them anyways. SRK is a much better topic.. n even the scientists agree to that. :) u dumbhead!

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  RE:This happens only in india -illeteraTe Rediff
by Vilas Durve on Aug 08, 2007 02:06 PM   Permalink
do not worry about India & Indians. everywhere in the world is the same condition. i read just a year back about a USA senator who could not locate India on the world map. every where in the world, intellectuals are always ignored. in america or in japan or anywhere, so-called celebrities remains on top of society. unfortunate but real

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What you didn't know about SRK