It can be called a classical film, which exactly depicts the people's life sytle in Tamil Nadu. Leaving the story apart, the way it was picturised ,it almost submerges your mind in the movie. If you are an elder brother from a middle/lower class family, you can surely understand what they are trying to say. It's as simple as that.
This movie is very emotional, also it's violent. But that's the way it works in Tamil Nadu. No stupid heroics, only realism.
These days, Tamil movies are more realistic and quite appreciated by the people too.
RE:Veyil is a wonderful movie
by Dr.Susana on Apr 02, 2007 02:08 PM Permalink
Girish Rao is a either a kannadiga or a telugu moron ! Who watched kannada movies,even kannadigas dont ! They so substandard fit to be played in streets ! So are telugu movies either is fully paraded rajamundry prostitutes or jokers from hyderabad with pan parag coloured dresses ! Bollywood and Kollwood are the next best production houses to hollwood in India, the world knows that Girisha !
RE:Veyil is a wonderful movie
by Kiran Vure on Apr 03, 2007 11:55 AM Permalink
f**k what u about telugu movies and kollywood, if u dont know open ur ass
RE:Veyil is a wonderful movie
by hee hee on Apr 02, 2007 02:11 PM Permalink
Susana..u being a doctor..should cure patients .. U on message board is funny..Go do ur work ..U left patients to die and came running to message?
RE:Veyil is a wonderful movie
by shrinivas sharma on Apr 02, 2007 02:19 PM Permalink
your names says you are a doctor..and you post this? sad...just based on the sair name "Rao" your abused millions of Kannadigas and Teulugu people.. what did you get?? nothing rite?? c'on yaar...someone has to mature first...why cant that be you??? and FYR - I am an Indian first and then i say i belong to Karnataka...
RE:Veyil is a wonderful movie
by sandeep on Apr 02, 2007 01:58 PM Permalink
yes..Only by Tamilians, such great movies can be created..Not by cowards like in your state who only goes for remakes.
RE:RE:Veyil is a wonderful movie
by hee hee on Apr 02, 2007 02:01 PM Permalink
he ehe...u know which state i m in boss? Why u do open ur big mouth when u hav zero facts..Accept the truth
RE:Veyil is a wonderful movie
by arun sr on Apr 02, 2007 02:16 PM Permalink
he hee is not even daring to reveal her[might be His as well] identity, so no matter in trying to know the State, But from the posts s/he made, we can easliy identitify the cowardice charector with in. :) No hurt feelings please!
RE:Veyil is a wonderful movie
by Dr.Susana on Apr 02, 2007 02:14 PM Permalink
Girish Rao is a either a kannadiga or a telugu moron ! Who watched kannada movies,even kannadigas dont ! They so substandard fit to be played in streets ! So are telugu movies either is fully paraded rajamundry prostitutes or jokers from hyderabad with pan parag coloured dresses ! Bollywood and Kollwood are the next best production houses to hollwood in India, the world knows that Girisha !