Complicated Country...
by Aneesh on Apr 03, 2007 08:44 AM Permalink
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This is India's problem..... First People fight for their Language/State(Which they consider as mother land), rather than for India.
You live in Mumbai or MahabaliPuram, this complicated country is tough to Change.
"We built India, but not Indians". Probably Yes, Tamilians, Kannadigas Mallus etc
I sometimes wonder,why this country was built. It should have left as small small countries like Republiuc Of MAharashtra, Repoublic Of Kerala etc...
At least I would not have found fools inside the same country fighting each other, for silly matters. Pitty pitty.
Regards Aneesh
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RE:Complicated Country...
by Arul Jose on Apr 03, 2007 09:16 AM Permalink
i would agree with Aneesh.
but i will be more positive.
why not take some measure to reunite? i say talk about a solution rather than just problems. i know its tough. but gotta do.
among the things that can help best, one is cross state marriages (ofcourse cross caste).
will it lead to the loss of culture?
the best place to write about culture is the history books. now give importance to the personal character.
give importance to empathy. give importance to wholistic thinking.
not to your religion, caste and state.
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