i went to see this armed upto the teeth after the disappointments of laksh and alvida but i came out marvelling about srk and farhan who have given us a atmospheric stylish thriller wirh some edge of the seat sequences and some ensemble action sequences , kudos to the entire team for making the best thriller or crime caper to hit us since khaki , but srk excels and is a worthy king khan giving his best since swades , as a commercial movie it is slick and appealing but it has another dimension too that magic which is spontaneous rather then put in and it works , even priya acts here and boman is really one of the best villains ever the twists in the movie are very credible and ingenuous , i was floored and i wish luck to farhn and srk for future too by the way the 2 songs from the origonal are definitely better here then before and the same goes for the movie as for my money just watching kareena iv the first reel loking dazzling as ever was capital returned with interest definite 4 stars