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my view
by sri on Oct 24, 2006 03:26 PM   Permalink

I havn't watched the movie, but definitely will, i'm here to just give my opinion on whether is right to give the reviews on films the very next day of its release ?? i'm completely against it, i feel that the public should be given some time to actually buy a ticket and see for themselves if they like it or no, the so called critic may have not liked it, but the other person could be otherwise. Coz writing off a film the very next day of its release, already creats a negetive impression and a person who was acutally thinking of seeing the movie buy give a second thought !! So i feel that let the public decide themselves if they like a movie or no, let the box office results be just based on the individual preferences. I feel that even if the new Don has all the qualities of being a hit, the reviews will make make sure that it doesn't with all negetivity that forced upon...I just want to know how many of u agree with me, so pls reply to this massage.

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SRK pays just tribute to Don