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by Ayesha on Oct 21, 2006 12:30 PM   Permalink

i think it's become very fashionable among the critics to criticise shahrukh khan; and also, most of the industry, for very understandable reasons, never fails to suck up to amitabh bachchan. current case in point: farhan akhtar's don. the 2006 film is good, on its own merit. it's got great production values, good performances and is different in terms of content from other recent releases. and it should be judged for that. instead, critics are suddenly praising the 1978 version to the skies, which i remember wasn't the case when the film released 18 years ago. two decades later filmaking has evolved and so have the demands of the audience so the liberties that farhan akhtar has taken with the plot and story telling are rightly justified. if the 1978 don were to be released today, will the cinemas draw any crowd? critics should be fair and set their amitabh-hangup aside and judge every actor in his/her own right rather than belittle them in comparison to the big b.

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SRK pays just tribute to Don