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Why r u comparing two Legends
by Sunil Khode on Oct 20, 2006 11:27 PM   Permalink

The Old Don is no doubt a Fantastic movie..and why not it has to be,,after all old is gold..and when..the person who is acting is Amitabh..
and as per as New Don of SRK is concern its also a very good movie..every body must see it...u need not to compare it old one as its Totally different..and just based on old theme..Farhan showed todays DON not DOn of 80's so there must be new techniques.and locations etc..which he used very well...and as its a commercial movie it has to make with some hypothetical themes...SRK acted excellent as usual..and don't mind but reading ur review I understand that u r considering it as a Art movie or just comparing with old DOn...not on based on what is there in new DON...

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SRK pays just tribute to Don