To be Frank I really didn't expected this movie to be anywhere near the original don. But i really got surprised as soon as the movie took the grip. The most intersting part is start and end part the movie. I am not joking when you will see the movie you will understand what i mean. It turned to be one of the most stylish and well executed movie of this contempary, SRK is finaly showing his other side of acting now. Wonder why didn't he tried during his last 5 years or so.This guy has got some serious talent.
I got more surprised(shock) when i went through the Raja's view. Thank God I didn't read it before watching the movie.Because there were not any review available either. He had not been able to properly summarize the plot of the movie neither he has expressed about the role played by the characters properly. Especially of Boman Irani and ARjun Rampal. Guys this two has given the best performance of their career so far in Bollywood.
His review his totally focussed on the comaparison with-out expressing something about the current sensation.
This movie is stamp-class of Farhan.This movie will make SRK popular among the kids and older generation too. Hats off too Farhan