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Shahrukh rocks!!! and so does Don!!
by Harshita on Oct 29, 2006 01:20 AM   Permalink

I feel very sorry for AB fans but I must admit that the new Don is truely a new genre thriller. I went to see the movie with very low expectations (courtesy Rediff review) and a very closed mindset but I must say critics have been really unfair to SRK because I came out really liking it despite tring so hard to be very critical in my judgement.

I remembered nothing of old Don except for a few sequences and I think in a way it was good because it made be appreciate the new Don.

Folks stop comparing. Just go with an open mind and I think you would like it. Rediff has been rating Omkara at 4 star but honestly I felt the movie dragged and not worth even 3.

Anyways for the ones who are yet to watch, pls don't go by what others say. Go and judge yourself.

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SRK pays just tribute to Don